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Good Old Classic Heart Stoppers

Sisig was born in Pampanga. Sisig, as most people know it, is a dish of fatty, sizzling pork bits served on a hot plate; but the word ‘sisig’ originally referred to a Kapampangan way of cooking meat with slightly sour seasoning. This is why Pampanga sisig is slightly sour and less oily than the kinds found elsewhere.

Sisig is a Kapampangan term which means "to snack on something sour". It usually refers to fruits, often unripe or half-ripe, sometimes dipped in salt and vinegar. It also refers to a method of preparing fish and meat, especially pork, which is marinated in a sour liquid such as lemon juice or vinegar, then seasoned with salt, pepper and other spices.

Sisig also refers to Sizzling sisig, a Filipino dish made from parts of pig’s head and liver, usually seasoned with calamansi and chili peppers.

Preparing sisig comes in three phases: boiling, broiling and finally grilling.

A pig's head is first boiled to remove hairs and to tenderize it. Portions of it are then chopped and grilled or broiled. Finally, coarsely chopped onions are added and served on a sizzling plate. Variations of sisig may add any of the following: eggs, ox brains, chicharon (pork cracklings), pork or chicken liver, and even mayonnaise.

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